Suggestion Toolkit – eBay

FREE Plugin

Suggestion Toolkit – eBay WordPress plugin allows to include products from eBay portal or particular store to suggestion blocks on your WordPress blog or website.
Products can be represented with partner links. eBay affiliate tracking ID should be configured via plugin settings.

Requires: Suggestion Toolkit plugin


This plugin extends the Suggestion Toolkit WordPress plugin. It allows you to include eBay product recommendations into suggestion blocks on your WordPress blog or website.
Suggestion blocks include the configured number of eBay product thumbs with titles and prices. Mouse click on a recommendation will redirect visitors to the product page. The website owner also can configure eBay partner program integration.

Recommendations block with eBay product & YouTube video
Recommendations block with eBay product & YouTube video

Suggestion Toolkit – eBay Key Features

  • eBay product suggestions by keyword.
  • eBay partner program integration.
  • eBay site selection.
  • Recommend only from the store, by store name.
  • Filters – authorized sellers only, best offers, charity only, featured only, min feedback score, free shipping, outlet seller only, the top seller only.
Suggestion Toolkit – eBay


  1. Install Suggestion Toolkit plugin from WordPress plugin directory.
  2. Install Suggestion Toolkit – eBay through the “Extensions” section of the plugin settings.

Alternative way:

  1. Install Suggestion Toolkit plugin from WordPress plugin directory.
  2. Purchase Suggestion Toolkit – eBay on our website.
  3. Upload the plugin files to the `` directory.
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  5. Configure post types that should be available for the suggestion.
  6. Configure automated suggestion blocks.
Suggestion Toolkit – eBay