This plugin provides a fast and flexible way to add recommendations of different kinds on WordPress website pages, almost any place on the website. It provides Gutenberg block, Elementor widget, shortcode, WordPress widget and allows to insert suggestions almost any place of the website.
The main goal of the plugin is the improvement of blog engagement. Usually, each blog contains a series of related posts enclosing certain topics, so readers for sure will be glad to read more than just one post. Readers will be more satisfied and your blog positions in search are going to improve.

At the same time blogger can suggest products from own store WooCommerce or eBay store. Also, our eBay extension allows monetizing the blog with the eBay partner program recommending related products inside the blog posts.
Almost every blogger also has one or more YouTube channels and our plugin allows to recommend related YouTube videos inside the blog posts via YouTube extension.
You can find even more extensions available through the “Extensions” section of the plugin configuration. Some of them are free and some are available for a small fee. We constantly adding new extensions and improving existing ones.

We encourage you to purchase premium extensions because this supports our work. However, feel free to suggest features and report bugs.
Suggestion Toolkit Key Features
* Responsive design.
* Multiple layout styles (horizontally scrollable widget with thumbs, automatically extendable horizontal or vertical widget with thumbnails, horizontal or vertical widget with text only recommendations).
* Individual style for each recommendations block.
* Powerful and configurable cache via Memcache or files.
* Gutenberg suggestions block.
* Suggestions shortcode.
* Suggestions WordPress widget.
* Elementor suggestions widget.
* Include certain post IDs into suggestions.
* Exclude certain post IDs from suggestions.
* the Configurable number of posts in widget.
* Support of built-in WordPress search engine.
* Support of Relevanssi search engine.
* Support of SearchWP search engine.
* Support of ElasticPress search engine.
* Customizable HTML Templates for each post type. [Read how to customize](
* CSS styles are fully customizable and collected in a single CSS file. [Read how to customize](
Features Available via Free and Premium Extensions
Suggestion Toolbox – Advanced (Premium plugin)
* Any post types in suggestions. For example WooCommerce products.
* Automatically added suggestions to the posts of the defined type.
* Automatically generated suggestions keyword source configuration.
* Inline suggestions in the post body after a certain number of abstracts.
* Suggestions after the posts of certain types.
* Popup suggestions after a certain % of scroll-down.
Suggestion Toolkit – Events (Premium plugin)
* Exact period of time for each named ruleset.
* Rule keyword that will generate the recommendations.
* Ability to select post types that will be recommended.
* Include certain post IDs into recommendations.
* Exclude certain post IDs from recommendations.
* Configure % of replacement for each kind of suggestion set – custom widgets and blocks, inline suggestions (after a certain number of abstracts), suggestions after the post, popup suggestions.
Suggestion Toolkit – YouTube (Free plugin)
* Generates suggestions by keywords.
* Opens video in a modal window by clicking on a video preview thumb.
* Video suggestions from all YouTube videos.
* Video suggestions from your own YouTube videos.
* Live stream suggestions.
Suggestion Toolkit – eBay (Premium plugin)
* eBay product suggestions by keyword.
* eBay partner program integration.
* eBay site selection.
* Recommend only from the store, by store name.
* Filters – authorized sellers only, best offers, charity only, featured only, min feedback score, free shipping, outlet seller only, top seller only.