This WordPress plugin allows participating in the Etsy partner program and recommends affiliates and own products inside blog posts. It extends the Suggestion Toolkit WordPress plugin. One can select which products to recommend – from own Etsy store or from an entry Etsy website using a keyword filter. One can also enable affiliate links by configuring an Affiliate ID via the admin interface of the extension.
This plugin extends the Suggestion Toolkit WordPress plugin. It allows you to include Etsy product recommendations in suggestion blocks on your WordPress blog or website.
Suggestion blocks include the configured number of Etsy product thumbs with titles and prices. Mouse click on a recommendation will redirect visitors to the product page. The website owner also can configure Etsy partner program integration.
Example of recommendation block with Etsy products
Suggestion Toolkit – Etsy Key Features
Etsy product suggestions by keyword.
Etsy partner program integration.
Recommend only from the store, by the shop ID or URL.
Filter by shop location.
Suggestion Toolkit – Etsy
Install the Suggestion Toolkit plugin from the WordPress plugin directory.
Install Suggestion Toolkit – Etsy through the “Extensions” section of the plugin settings.
Alternative way:
Install the Suggestion Toolkit plugin from the WordPress plugin directory.
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