If you have to maintain a WordPress website with a lot of posts you may want to automate related posts suggestions generation and include such suggestions directly into posts, you probably will be interested to try plugin automation options available in Suggestion Toolkit – Automation. It can be quite handy, and I will try to show this on this page.

Ater the first paragraph

Once plugins are installed, in the admin menu you can find the Suggestion Toolkit sub-menu with all available tools. Right now we need the Auto Suggestions feature.

Suggestion Toolkit Admin Menu
All features and tools are available from the Suggestion Toolkit menu.

Recommendation Blocks Configuration

One can create an almost unlimited number of automation rules for automated recommendation blocks with different configurations and limitations. Blocks can be enabled for certain post types and enabled only for the posts containing certain tags. Or block can be disabled for the posts with certain tags assigned. Most of the settings are pretty standard. One of the most important settings is the recommendation block position on the post.

Inline block after X first paragraphs – allows configuring suggestion block that will be inserted after a certain number of abstracts. You just need to define abstracts numbers and what types of posts to suggest and define post types were to enable inline suggestions. All other standard configuration options are also available.

Inline Suggestion Block Configuration
Block allows configuring a lot of options for each block of recommendations.

Inline block before X last paragraphs – this option allows configuring suggestion block that will be inserted above a certain number of paragraphs from the end of the post. This feature works pretty the same way as the previous one.

The only difference from the previous one is the “Position on the post” option.

Under the post block – this option allows adding suggestion block right after the post, just define post types were to add suggestions. This is a very popular option among bloggers because they think that readers have already read the post and are ready to pay attention to other content. However, we recommend mixing different positions of recommendation blocks to gain the best results, as not all readers scroll the post to the very bottom.

The popular “Under the post” position of recommendations block is available.

Pop-up block – this option will enable pop-up suggestions that will be shown once a certain configurable % of the post will be scrolled down. This one may be a very effective tool, as sudden appearance attracts reader attention to recommendations much better than inline content.

Tag Management

This feature is a new tool available in our package. It allows for replacing certain tags before they will be processed by our plugin. As far as our plugins are based on keyword-based recommendations, sometimes it is important to display recommendations based on different keywords, other than the ones assigned to the post as keywords. In this case, the tag management tool will allow solving this problem by replacing the tags.

2 paragraps above the end

Such replacements are used internally only and not going to be displayed anywhere on the website front. If you need this functionality you should use some other tools.

Example of the tag replacement rule.

Sure our plugins have efficient ache to reduce the load times, however, we do not recommend adding too many replacements, as this may slow down the website.

After the post block
Social Photo Blocks