If we recommend some content on our blog or website, it is obvious we should be able to recommend video content from YouTube. Depending on the website such recommendations may be helpful inside blog posts or knowledge base posts explaining how to use some product. Suggestion Toolkit – YouTube WordPress plugin was created to achieve these goals.
Here is a simple example of such video recommendations included in other recommendations. This example includes only one YouTube video, however, this can be configured and the recommendation bloc may include only YouTube videos or the ones mixed with related products. Whatever you will configure.

Each video is clickable and opens a modal pop-up window with the video from YouTube itself right on your website page. It is quite simple and cannot be customized for now, but we are going to change this soon. However, you always can customize it through the CSS styles.

YouTube Video Recommendations Settings
Right now settings are pretty basic – YouTube API key is required to connect to YouTube API. It should be obtained from the Google Cloud Platform developer console. You should decide either you are going to recommend videos only from your YouTube account or from any other too. And sometimes one would like to promote live streams only.
We hope to add little more options soon, but for now that is it.