Elementor Page Builder is one of the most popular and fast-growing page builders for WordPress websites. That is why we added the Related Posts Elementor widget to the Suggestion Toolkit plugin. Widget generates configurable post and product suggestions wherever you insert them on your blog.
However product suggestions available only in the Suggestion Toolkit – Advanced WordPress plugin. So, if you want to suggest products inside your blog post consider an upgrade. The advanced version of the plugin also provides automation functionality that can be useful on a big blog.

Elementor Related Posts and Products Widget Configuration
It seems that there is no need to explain much about the suggestion widget configuration. It is intuitive and you may configure all the important features of the suggestions block.

Configuration consists of several sections.
Basic – allows to configure search keywords.
Layout & styles – defines the layout, alignment and some other related configurations.
Post types – defines how many suggestions of each type to display. Certainly, the basic version operates only with blog posts.
IDs include/exclude – allows manually include and exclude certain posts or products from the suggestions. However, if you want to manipulate suggestions during some time-frames or events/holidays take a look at Suggestion Toolkit – Events/Campaigns WordPress plugin.
Post and Product Suggestions and WordPress Search Engines – Relevanssi, SearchWP, ElasticPress and Default Search Engine
Suggestion Toolkit WordPress plugin works quite well with default WordPress search. It implements quite good caching and should not slow down the website. However more powerful search plugins like Relevanssi, SearchWP, ElasticPress will work better. You should also take into consideration that specialized search plugins are often more configurable, flexible, and has much faster indexes. So, we highly recommend using our plugin with one of the specialized search engines/plugins.